Theatre Elements

- THEATRICAL EXERCISES – Various exercises or games related to stage acting which sharpen skills to perform.
- VOICE MODULATION – Includes articulation, voice exercises, diction, speech etc. which are important aspects of effective communication and dialogue delivery.
- PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT- Body balancing, body language, flexibility and strengthening exercises to improve physical appearance.
- STAGE KNOWLEDGE – Stage has various elements called Stage Ethics which help in performing better on stage, for example – moves on stage, blocking, overlapping etc.
- PUBLIC SPEAKING- It improves the confidence to speak in front of a live audience and express freely.
- IMAGINATION- Includes various exercises to improve creative imagination skills.
- STORY TELLING – Narrating a story or performing a scene with theatrics, different body language, gestures and variations
- OBSERVATION – Observing situations, characters and environment nearby to use them in performance.
- IMPROVISATION –Helps in on spot decision making and spontaneity.
- ROLE PLAY – Demonstrating or imitating the character and behavior of someone else. This helps to consciously act out an adopted role.
- CONCENTRATION – Various exercises and games to improve focus.
7-13 years | >13 years |
Young Theatre Batch | Adult Theatre Batch |
Stand up comedy is a style & classes in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience usually speaking directly to them. The performer is commonly known as the comic, standup comic, comedian, stand up comedian or simply a stand up.
- SPONTANEOUS –Helps in on spot decision making and improvisation.
- VOICE MODULATION – Includes articulation, voice exercises, diction, speech etc. which are important aspects of effective communication and dialogue delivery.
- PUBLIC SPEAKING- It improves the confidence to speak in front of a live audience and express freely.
- IMAGINATION- Includes various exercises to improve creative imagination skills.
- OBSERVATION – Observing situations, characters and environment nearby to use them in performance.
>13 years |
Adult Batch |

Theater Students of Indrayu Academy and The Stage won 1st prize at All India Competition for Art and Culture organized by Parmaarth Foundation. Congrats to all winners.